neofox_fingerguns Welcome! neofox_fingerguns

Somehow, after randomly surfing the web, you ended up here...

This is my personal site, my little comfort zone on the internet and the place I devote great amounts of time trying to improve its aesthetics.

Who am I? Well, you can read about that here neofox

This place is heavily under construction, so things might change constantly and some of its features might not be implemented yet. Anyway, you are invited to take a look around it neofox_melt_happy

The site has been tested on Firefox, with 1920x1080 resolution. However, it's been optimized to run on desktop resolutions from 640x480 upwards! It can be displayed in mobile resolutions too, but it's not ideal.
Oh, and one more thing! it uses javascript (JQuery) and iframes to display some stuff.

Hope you have a good time here! neofox_nom_bread

neofox_magnify So, What Can I Find Here? neofox_magnify

  • Blog: Do you want to see my ramblings about random stuff? Then this is the place to go!
  • Devlog: Sometimes I code random stuff. Here is the place where I'll talk about those things.
  • Art: This is where I store my drawings.
  • Guestbook: You have suggestions for the site? You want to leave a nice comment? You want to ask something? This way!
  • About Me: More information about me!! The webmaster!!! The one who is writing this!!!!! Who am I??? aaaaaa

neofox_dizzy To-Do List neofox_dizzy

This are the things I have planned for this website right now. They might change or be cancelled in the future, but the idea is to implement them all in due time.

  • Rewrite the Devlog page and add information about the projects I'm working.
  • Make a better Art page (in terms of load times and visuals)
  • Create a proper icon for the site on the taskbar.
  • Create a 88x31 button for this site.
  • Do the Neighbors page.
  • Do the Shrines page and start working on said shrines.
  • Integrate dark mode for the site.
  • Integrate RSS for the site
  • Replace the background images with drawings made by myself

neofox_flop Resources And Credits! neofox_flop

  • W3Schools: This site could not have been created without W3Schools. It's basically where I learned everything about coding websites and it's a must if you want to do so!
  • JQuery: It's a great library that made me avoid going through all the pages of the site copypasting the same repeating sections! Besides, I don't have to code in Javascript by myself to do that, which is great because I hate Javascript!!!
  • Neofox Emojis: The emojis I use through all the site! Big thanks to Volpeon for creating them!!! Be sure to check out his site and his works!
  • Dimden: Has a lot of great projects! I'm using their moon widget and their guestbook service. Check out their site, it's super cool!
  •'s Tiled Background Resources: The current background's site is from here! There's a lot of backgrounds and general resources.
  • Wrendering's Grapics: A lot of cool PNGs, among other things!
  • Confetti Guts's Graphics: Stamps, Blinkies, PNGs and a lot more!
  • Cool Text Graphics Generator: I made the header text with this site!